I-9 Audits Are on the Rise – Is Your Business Ready for 2025
Written by: Kim Hubric, Vice President For close to four decades, employers have been required to comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 by using the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 or now through E-Verify. This crucial piece of documentation, storage and retention process, verifies the identity and employment eligibility of…
Read More FTC Non-Compete Ban Temporarily Halted
Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) introduced a rule aimed at banning most non-compete agreements across the country. However, a federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide injunction on August 20, 2024, blocking the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from enforcing its rule that would have prohibited employers from implementing or upholding noncompete agreements…
Read More The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – What it is and isn’t and how other laws impact it
What is FMLA? FMLA is the acronym for the Family and Medical Leave Act. It is a federal labor law that provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks (about 3 months) of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for specific family and medical reasons. Leave reasons are the birth and care of a newborn child,…
Read More Navigating the Recruitment Maze: Essential Tips for Employers
In today’s competitive job market, employers are facing unprecedented challenges. With the Baby Boomer generation retiring and the rise of remote work opportunities, finding qualified candidates has become increasingly difficult. To help employers navigate this landscape, we’ve gathered essential tips for improving the recruitment process. This list will outline key steps to ensure a successful…
Read More Navigating the Evolving HR Landscape: Key Legal Updates Every Employer Should Know
In today’s ever-evolving HR landscape, staying informed is key, and Hubric Resources is here to help! Here are the top four legal issues every employer should have on their radar right now: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Effective July 1, 2024, the minimum salary threshold for exempt employees will increase from $35,568 to…
Read More The New DOL Independent Contractor Rule
The new rule was released on January 10, 2024, and was effective March 11, 2024. The rule aims to provide clarity and guidance on the classification of workers as independent contractors, ensuring fairness to both workers and employers. It establishes clear criteria for determining independent contractor status, focusing on the economic reality of the working…
Read More Raise Up Employees Through Recognition
Employee recognition is a powerful tool for fostering a positive work environment and boosting morale. Recognizing and appreciating your team’s hard work can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organizational success. Let’s look at five creative and effective employee recognition ideas to help you build a culture of appreciation in your organization. To…
Read More Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: What Employers Need To Know
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act goes into effect June 27, 2023 and requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide accommodations to pregnant employees. Hubric Resources’ Senior HR Consultant, Denise Garman explains the changes and what employees need to know to provide accommodations. Check out the EEOC’s website and all you need to know…
Read More Form I-9: What Employers Need to Know
by Denise Garman, SPHR All United States employers must complete Form I-9 to document that they have verified the identity and authorization to work in the United States of each new employee (both citizens and non-citizens) hired after November 6, 1986. Both the employee and employer or the employer’s authorized representative, must complete the form.…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Denise Garman
Denise Garman, Senior HR Consultant, is one of our newest team members, joining Hubric Resources in April 2023. She has over 25 years of HR experience and specializes in assisting clients with leadership training and coaching, employee relations, HR audits, employee handbooks, and policy/procedure review and development. Denise completed her BSBA with an HR concentration…
Read More New compliance alert: DOL begins PUMP Act enforcement on April 28
The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers (PUMP) Act requiresemployers to provide nursing mothers with reasonable break time to express breast milkAND provide a private location (besides a restroom) to do so. These break periods areconsidered unpaid if the employee is completely relieved from job duties. If they areperforming any type of work (i.e.,…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Christine Brown
Christine M. Brown, M.S., SHRM-CP: HR Consultant HR Consultant Christine Brown has 7 years of HR Consulting experience with an emphasis on recruiting and leadership training. This Brecknock Township resident received her bachelor’s in Business Administration at Shippensburg University and her master’s in Human Relations & Counseling at Villanova University. She loves recruiting and says,…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Paige DeLoretta
Paige DeLoretta: Social Media and Marketing Coordinator Social Media and Marketing Coordinator, Paige G. DeLoretta, was ecstatic to join the HubricResource team in December 2022. Paige is a Governor Mifflin High School graduate and iscurrently attending George Mason University in Fairfax, VA where she is pursuing a double major in Business Management and Marketing. Paige…
Read More HR Forecast for 2023
Just like a groundhog predicting the forecast, Hubric Resources is here to help you forecast the HR year ahead. Based on our research and what we are seeing with our clients, here are 5 HR trends that we are predicting in 2023: The Future of Work Is Flexibility Workplace flexibility embraces the idea that employees…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Dan Hartung
Daniel J. Hartung, SPHR: Sr. HR Consultant Dan Hartung, a Senior HR Consultant at Hubric Resources holds an impressive 45 years of humanresources management experience, and two and a half years of those encompass consulting experiencewith particular strengths in policy development, recruiting, talent management, employee relations,compensation and process management. Says Hartung of his work for…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Brittany Fritz
Brittany L. Fritz, MPS, BSBA, SHRM-CP, PHR: Senior HR Consultant Senior HR Consultant Brittany Fritz has 12 years of HR experience and specialties in employee relations, labor relations and talent development to the table. The Lancaster resident completed her bachelor in business administration degree at Bloomsburg University and her master’s degree in professional studies, human…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Rachel Sellers
Rachel M. Sellers, PHR: HR Consultant & Business Manager Lancaster resident Rachel M. Sellers of Hubric Resources has nine years of HR experience specializing in recruitment and employee relations. She explains, “I help a business with any HR needs they may have – either they do not have the capacity to do the work or…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Tamara DeLoretta
Tamara D. DeLoretta: HR Consultant & Client Relationship Director You might say Tamara D. DeLoretta is a woman wearing many hats. And you’d be absolutely right. This month the Sinking Spring resident celebrates her sixth anniversary at Hubric Resources, a business she asserts is unique because of its ability to provide HR and recruiting support…
Read More Meet the HR Team – Tom Hubric
Thomas J. Hubric, President Thomas (Tom) J. Hubric of Mohnton started Hubric Resources in 2003 and is responsible for the business’s day-to-day operations. He also provides consulting services to clients. Tom explains, “I provide Human Resources (HR) consulting services to help employers ranging in size from four employees to more than 14,000 hire and manage…
Read More Quiet Quitting – What are Managers to Do?
In our last vlog, Tom Hubric introduced the concept of “quiet quitting”. Quiet quitting is referred to as the setting of boundaries at work or not taking on more work than necessary. What are leaders supposed to do about this? In this follow up vlog, Tom shares ideas on how to help combat this trend.…
Read More What is “Quiet Quitting” Anyway?
What is “quiet quitting”? In this video, Tom Hubric, President of Hubric Resources shares the concept and how what it looks like in the workplace. Sources say quiet quitting doesn’t actually involve quitting. Instead, it has been deemed a response to hustle culture and burnout; employees are “quitting” going above and beyond and declining to…
Read More Monkeypox and the Workplace
With the cases of Monkeypox (MPV) on the rise, employers should be thinking about how they will handle an employee who contracts the virus. Before you panic, take a breath, employers should know that MPV appears to be much less risky for employers and their employees compared to COVID-19. That said, there are steps employers…
Read More The Heat is On!
Rising Temperatures are Making Heat Exposures More Dangerous Back in the Spring, OSHA issued a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) on indoor and outdoor heat-related hazards that expands on the agency’s ongoing heat-related illness prevention campaign. Even though we shared this with you on our blog, https://www.hubricresources.com/osha-launches-new-program-for-heat-safety/ in early May when the temperatures were still a bit…
Read More So, what is HR outsourcing anyway?
For small to midsized businesses and not-for-profit organizations, HR administrative tasks can be a serious drain on your time and resources. Human resource outsourcing delivers a HUGE advantage! You may be surprised to learn just how many tasks Hubric Resources can take off your plate by outsourcing to us. Businesses contract third party businesses all…
Read More Navigating Politics in the Workplace
Per a recent Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) poll, 26% of Americans admit to talking politics in the workplace on a regular basis (at least 15 minutes per workweek). If not managed transparently and with guidelines for civil discourse, these discussions can result in adverse employee experiences for those involved and even for bystanders.…
Read More OSHA launches new program for heat safety
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is rolling out a new program, “National Emphasis Program” (NEP) and through the program, OSHA will conduct heat-related workplace inspections before workers suffer completely preventable injuries, illnesses or, even worse, fatalities. The program is designed to protect indoor and outdoor workers from heat illness and injuries. We encourage employers…
Read More Are you Hazing Your New Employees?
Sound harsh? You bet, but this is exactly what often happens. Don’t believe me, read on! Let’s use an example of what many employers are doing after spending countless hours and thousands of dollars to find and onboard the employees we so desperately need to run our businesses. First, we send the candidate an offer…
Read More Hiring Remote Employees from Other States or even Other Cities can be Tricky!
Now more than ever, employees are interested in working remotely. It’s one of the first questions that we are asked by candidates when conducting recruits for our clients with hard-to-fill positions. Another scenario we come across a lot lately is when an employee moves to another state and the company offers them to work remotely. …
Read More EMPLOYEE GROWTH LEADS TO BUSINESS GROWTH- A conversation with Workplace Talent Solutions and PA WEDnet
Hubric Resources’ President, Tom Hubric sat down with Workplace Talent Solutions’ Cathy Martin and Laurie Dawkins along with PA WEDnet representative, Angela Hensley to discuss how investing in your employees can lead to business growth. Workplace Talent Solutions (WTS) helps employers identify and address critical skills gaps within their entry-level workforce. Training entry-level hires can…
Read More HR Life Hack – Decision Tree for COVID-19
Hubric Resources is happy to provide you with another valuable HR Life Hack! Today, we’ll be presenting a COVID-19 Screening Decision Tree that is designed to help companies responding to symptomatic individuals, as well as responding to those who have had close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. You can use…
Read More Where Did Everyone Go?
Americans are quitting their jobs by the millions over the past year, jumping from one company to another in record numbers. The numbers are staggering. Last April, the number of people who quit their job in a single month hit 3.8 million, an all-time record, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. In August, it…
Read More Technology To Keep Your Workplace Virus Free
With record breaking COVID numbers happening this week due to the Omicron variant, increased testing, and a reporting backlog from the weekend it’s so important to protect yourself and your employees. Additionally, the omicron variant is known to spread faster and be highly contagious compared to the other variants. Employees are coming back to the…
Read More CDC Updates Regarding Isolation And Quarantine Periods
The CDC released new guidance regarding isolation and quarantine periods. We are providing you with two resources to review in their entirety. One is the statement from the CDC and the second is a post from Fisher Phillips, a legal firm that we have found to be extremely knowledgeable on COVID. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html https://www.fisherphillips.com/news-insights/cdc-reduces-covid-19-isolation-quarantine-periods.html Please let…
Read More HR Life Hack: A Fun Performance Evaluation Tool
Let’s face it, employees don’t like being evaluated and supervisors don’t like giving them. Why not try to lighten up the process and use an evaluation tool that is more fun to give and receive? In this HR Life Hack, Tom shares a sample evaluation tool that he designed for the Animal Rescue League of…
Read More “HR Life Hacks”- A New Series from Hubric Resources
Hubric Resources is excited to start a new series, “HR Life Hacks” where we will highlight best practices and ideas that we assisted and collaborated with on for our valued clients or best practices that our clients created on their own. Our clients are doing some amazing things and we are excited to start doing…
Read More The Delta Variant & Your Workplace
Hopefully, this communication is premature and reading it is a waste of your time. With that said, we have been watching the number of COVID cases steadily increasing in the past few weeks and reading about concerns from community health experts. We are also seeing some parts of the country such as Los Angeles County…
Read More Belonging in the Workplace
Studies show that diverse organizations outperform less-diverse organizations in revenue, profits and employee satisfaction. By just hiring individuals from different backgrounds to have a diverse environment isn’t enough. You should also have inclusion. This happens when individuals truly welcome everyone in the organization for who they are. A 2020 Gallup poll of more than 15,000…
Read More The ADA and Returning to Work Post COVID
Many employees have become accustomed to working from home and don’t want to come back to the office and are requesting an accommodation under the ADA. This video explains what employers must take into consideration when handling these requests. Many companies are requiring employees to return to work, some employees are resisting and making accommodation…
Read More Conducting Stay Meetings
Did you know that a recent study reported that 86% of employees plan to pursue a new job? Did you know that employee turnover is on the rise and is expected to worsen over time? Did you know that right now over 60% of companies report having difficulty recruiting key talent? Does your business have…
Read More Meet Tamarah Martin, MS, SPHR, HRBP / Senior HR Consultant at Hubric Resources (You Can Also Add Transformational Leader, Mentor and Coach to The List)
If you ask Tamarah Martin her official title, she would answer “Senior HR Consultant”. But the truth is, her work encompasses far more than merely providing HR support at varying levels for multiple industries. On some days, her time is dedicated to onboarding new employees. On others, she acts as a coach and a mentor…
Read More To mask or not to mask…
As you know, the CDC has issued new guidance that allows employees in most industries to no longer wear facemasks or social distance if they have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and a growing number of states including: Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Washington State are following the CDC’s new guidance. Industries that…
Read More Retaining Employees in the Midst of a Labor Crisis.
Are you spending more time recruiting new employees versus retaining your existing employees? If so, your competitors are coming after your employees. In this video, I discuss some quick tips on what you can to retain your existing employees and not lose them to your competitors in the midst of a labor crisis.
Read More “Horses (and HR) Will Discipline You”: Staff Spotlight on Doreen Kutzler, Sr. HR Consultant at Hubric
Since “falling into human resources” in 1990, you could say that Senior HR Consultant Doreen Kutzler has seen a lot, and has written even more policies and handbooks during her career! Gaining her experience in industries spanning from bird seed production to healthcare services prior to joining our team at Hubric Resources, Doreen comes…
Read More American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Update
Recently, President Biden has just signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). In addition to providing more loan money to the existing Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), ARPA includes additional relief provisions including, COBRA Subsidies, changes to the Dependent FSA Maximum, extension to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) credits, and extension to federal…
Read More Recruiting & Retaining Employees in 2021
In this current business environment, many organizations are fixated on recruiting as the key driver to business success and recovery. Many of our clients’ growth has been limited by not having enough employees in certain positions to be able to grow or even maintain their current revenue levels. This seems logical given the unpredictable labor…
Read More Mental Health & Your Workplace During the Pandemic
The reality is that COVID-19 is killing about 3,100 people per day in the U.S., using the seven day average. As a result, this places a major strain on our healthcare system, but you already know that. What you likely do not know, is that the mental health and substance implications resulting from COVID are…
Read More “Being Happier Than the Average Person” and Secrets of Recruiter Success: An Interview with Lisa Wortman, Senior Recruiter at Hubric Resources
According to the data, recruiters feel nearly 10 percent happier with their careers than the typical person. And after reading our latest interview with Lisa Wortman, Hubric Resource’s Senior Recruiter, we are certain you will come to realize the truth behind the statistic! Despite Lisa’s efforts to convince us she was “too boring to interview,”…
Read More “Being Happier Than the Average Person” and Secrets of Recruiter Success: An Interview with Lisa Wortman, Senior Recruiter at Hubric Resources
“Being Happier Than the Average Person” and Secrets of Recruiter Success: An Interview with Lisa Wortman, Senior Recruiter at Hubric Resources According to the data, recruiters feel nearly 10 percent happier with their careers than the typical person. And after reading our latest interview with Lisa Wortman, Hubric Resource’s Senior Recruiter, we are certain you…
Read More What workplace posters do I really need?
We all get those official-looking letters telling us that there are new laws that require us to replace our compliance posters when the reality is that this unethical tactic often scares employers into needlessly buying expensive new posters. With the above said, compliance postings should not be overlooked as failing to comply can have serious…
Read More Getting to Know Us: Interview Featuring Pete Bergonzi of Hubric Resources
Get to know us! At Hubric Resources we believe that current and potential clients alike should have access to a clear sense of who we are as both a company, and a team. That’s why we’re pleased to feature regular spotlight interviews, where you can learn about one of our highly skilled colleagues, including their…
Read More How to Compete Against the Goliaths
You’ve seen the advertisements from Amazon, Target and other industry giants promoting starting rates of $15-$20 per hour and, as a small business owner, you know that there is no way that you can come close to those rates without ultimately going out of business. That’s the bad news but you already know that anyway.…
Read More What Hubric Resources Can Do For You: Advantages of Outsourced Human Resources
Close your eyes and imagine unexpectedly losing a pivotal employee at your business. This individual is proficient not only in finance and sales, but also has expert knowledge of labor laws, organizational management and equal opportunity employment. Chances are, you have lost a critical member of your human resource department! These professionals are expected to…
Read More Abandoning the Annual Performance Review: Alternative Methods for the Short and Long Term
When it comes to evaluating employee performance, there is no one-size-fits-all solution that is the right fit for every business. That’s why finding the options that suit you, your goals and your workers is a must! This being said, there are both short and long-term changes your company can initiate to keep up with the…
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